Belt Filter Press

The Bright Technologies Belt Filter Press is a modern design, that specifically includes three (3) US Patents and more importantly, innovative features that provide high performance in a compact, and high value package. Consequently, many competing products are based on old and inferior designs, and therefore, do not utilize filtration area effectively.

Our Belt Filter Press is designed with long term value and ease of operation in mind. For example, stainless steel frame and roller construction are standard. An Allen Bradley touch screen and PLC integrate the press and support equipment, so that unattended operation and integration into SCADA systems are easily accomplished. Additionally, the optional press mounted operator walkways and handrails are easily removable for belt filter press maintenance and allow the operator good visibility of the process.

Interested in a Belt Filter Press?

Contact Brandon Woods for a free quote.

Phone: 269-793-7183

About the Belt Filter Presses

There are three process zones to a Belt Filter Press: gravity, wedge, and high/pressure/shear zones. First, the sludge or slurry is first introduced to the filter in the gravity zone. This typically happens after a chemical flocculent or polymer has been introduced and mixed into the slurry to release water and form larger particles. Finally, the slurry is spread across the usable area of the filter and is contained by running off the filter sides with rubber seals. There are typically plows or chicanes on the upper surface of the filter belt to move the sludge solids and promote drainage. On the lower side, the filter belt is typically supported by a grid of replaceable plastic material.

Many Belt Filter Press designs place these support grids too far apart (6-10 inches), and on some, the supports are too wide and block the drainage of liquids from the filter belt. However, Bright’s superior design places ½-inch-wide UHMW plastic strips on 2.5-inch centers. As a result, this promotes superior drainage by breaking surface tension on the filter without unnecessary blockage of the exiting water. In addition, the close grid also better supports the filter, creating a better seal with the rubber containment pieces.


Second, Bright Belt Filter Presses feature an inclined gravity section unlike most competitors, which have a level gravity zone. The sludge feed box is lower than the discharge end of the gravity zone. Therefore, this promotes better dewatering by keeping the water-laden sludge back by the feed box and carrying the solids up to the discharge only after a majority of water has drained through the filter. As a result, this gives the gravity zone more effective dewatering time than is possible with a level gravity deck. It also makes higher production rates possible.


Third, the wedge zone is where the upper and lower filter belts meet and envelope the slurry on two sides. As a result, Belt Filter Presses have a patented radius wedge zone that applies gentle pressure on solids in the slurry that provides superior conditioning prior to entry to the High Pressure/Shear Zone and does not require any operator adjustment.


Finally, in this zone, the filter belts are wrapped around steel rollers that progress from large diameter to smaller, and as the diameter of the roll decreases, the pressure on the sludge increases. The first pressure roll on a Bright Belt Press is a patented fabricated roll called a wing roll because this roll features a 50% open area and convex inner surface that channels the liquid to the outside of the roll so that it drops beyond the filter belt and does not re-wet it. Also, our rolls are a triple stub plate design and are constructed of stainless steel, so no roll coatings are required.

This Product is best for the following applications

  • Municipal WWTP Sludge
  • Pulp and Paper Sludge
  • Water Plant Sludge
  • Aggregate Fines
  • Septage
  • Meat Processing Sludge
  • Canning Sludge
  • Animal Manure
  • Ink Sludge
  • Mineral Slurries
  • Grease Trap Waste
  • Food Products


Our Belt Filter Press is capable of superior results such as:

  • Maximum Hydraulic loadings of >150 GPM per meter of belt width
  • WWTP Primary – Cake Solids of up to 37%
  • Aerobic Digested – Cake Solids of up to 24% TS
  • ATAD Process – Cake Solids 30% @ 2000 Lbs/Hr/meter
  • Lagoon Sludge – Solids loadings of 2500 Lbs/Hr/meter producing 20% Solids
  • Mineral Slurries – Cake Solids of 50-70% TS at rates of 6000 Lbs/Hr/meter
  • Lime Treated Septage – Cake Solids 47% @ 1400 Lbs/Hr/Meter

To clarify, these are some real world examples of what our Belt Filter Press systems are capable of given good conditions and material. Contact us and request some of our case studies for more information on our Belt Filter Press experience and capabilities.

Belt Filter Press Rentals for Sludge Dewatering

A Bright Belt Filter Press rental might be the answer, because we offer rentals with buyout options. Secondly, we tell you the purchase price upfront on the available equipment and a portion of the rental cost goes toward that purchase price. However, if the equipment doesn’t work out for you, it can be returned any time after the 4 week minimum rental period. You can also rent the equipment as long as you like and solve the immediate need and then purchase that equipment when the money becomes available. With a signed long term rental contract, we will even build the equipment new for you. After the rental term is over you may also return it without penalty.

Product Features

  • Simulates Large Diameter Roll
  • Brings Belts into Convergence Sooner
  • No Operator Adjustments Necessary
  • Air Bellows Design is Very Durable and has No Seals to Fail
  • Not Affected by Corrosive Environment
  • No Worries of Leaking Hydraulic Fluid
  • Easy to Maintain and Service
  • Low Energy Requirement
  • 10 Inch Color Touch Screen Operation
  • PLC Modem for Factory Support
  • NEMA 4X Stainless Steel Control Panel
  • Alarm History Log
  • Operator parameter adjustment history
  • Operator adjustable system timers
  • 4 Degree Incline for Exceptional Pooling and Control
  • UHMW Supports on 2″ Centers for Superior Drainage
  • Combination angle and “V” Plow configuration
  • Mixing Action is Adjustable from Any Convenient Location No Matter Where the Valve is Located.
  • Reliable / The Rubber Sleeve is the Only Wetted Part
  • Easily Adjustable from Low to High Mixing Energy
  • No Mechanical Moving Parts or Seals to Leak or Bind
  • Start and Stop the System
  • Controls Polymer Dosage, Belt and Sludge Pump Speed
  • Displays Current Faults
  • Modifies System Timers
  • Sludge Pump and Polymer System Hold Function
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